Thursday, September 24, 2009

The post regarding women & children

Now..... I am wondering with the article posted about the murder of women and children....

Are we to go back into the "Broom Closet"? Are we suppose to again live in FEAR......Just what the hell is going on.....Why does history seem to repeat itself?

The burning times were the most horrible, dreadful times, and here we are facing this again. I am just appalled and extremely angry. How can people again become so ignorant and stupid? How can we let this twisted horror repeat itself. How many more have to lose their lives to this ignorance? I always say that stupidy is a choice...You can chose to educated yourself or not. You have a choice to take the red pill or the blue pill. Way too many people are sheep led and it drives me nuts. They chose to believe anything that people spew out their mouths & print twisted, untrue garbage, via an article, pamplet or book. Only to serve their sick agenda. Then you have other religions arguing to be "TOP DOG"! They are fighting to control the thoughts and minds of their followers.... Everyone needs to stop and see what they are doing. Are you honoring your truth paths, and what it teaches you? ACCEPTANCE OF ALL.......
What you need to do, is stop, look, take a deep breathe, and open up your minds, read true books, and gain an understanding of what being a witch or pagan really means. Better yet, just ask us. Come straight to the horse's mouth so to speak...
Break free of those shackles that are placed around your mind..
Think for yourselves. Seek the truth about who we are yourselves....
People chose to live in ignorance and that ignorance turns into fear......Which is all by design......keeping people in keep them under your control!

Killing of Women, Child "witches" On Rise

Killing of Women, Child "witches" On Rise

Geneva, September 24, 2009 - Murder and persecution of women and children accused of being witches is spreading around the world and destroying the lives of millions of people, experts said on Wednesday.
The experts -- United Nations officials, civil society representatives from affected countries and non-governmental organisation (NGO) specialists working on the issue -- urged governments to acknowledge the extent of the persecution.
"This is becoming an international problem -- it is a form of persecution and violence that is spreading around the globe," Jeff Crisp of the U.N.'s refugee agency UNHCR told a seminar organised by human rights officials of the world body.
Aides to U.N. special investigators on women's rights and on summary executions said killings and violence against alleged witch women -- often elderly people -- were becoming common events in countries ranging from South Africa to India.
And community workers from Nepal and Papua New Guinea told the seminar, on the fringes of a session of the U.N.'s 47-member Human Rights Council, that "witch-hunting" was now common, both in rural communities and larger population centres.


Gary Foxcroft of British-based charity Stepping Stones- Nigeria said children living homeless on the streets in many countries had been driven out by families or communities because they were suspected of being witches.
But increasingly children suspected of witchcraft -- usually on the basis of vague accusations -- were being killed because their parents feared they would have to take them back if the authorities identified them.
Ulrich Garms from the office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay told the seminar that there were no reliable statistics on how many women and child "witches" were killed annually around the globe.
Other U.N. officials tracking the problem said deaths ran into at least tens of thousands, and beatings, deprivation of property and banishment and isolation from community life meant victims of "witch frenzy" ran into millions.
Speakers at the seminar agreed that poverty, exacerbated by the current world economic crisis, often lay behind the phenomenon as people sought to find scapegoats for their misfortunes and the illnesses they suffered.
But some preachers of major religions and governments were also responsible, they said.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


...Been out of sorts lately. My whole family have come down with this cold/flu bug...It has taken it's toll, but we are still fighting away. So, I have been away for a bit. Now, I've found out that Patrick Swayze past on while I was away from the computer and TV for the past few days or so... I was so sadden again....I loved his roles in Dirty Dancing & Ghost. I don't think that there was ever a role that he played that I didn't like..

Rest in Peace my dearest Patrick! Thanks for never, ever giving up and your courage to keep fighting.. Love ,Light and peaceful journey! Condolences to his wife of nearly 35 years (I love seeing couples with long & strong marriages like my own), Mom, & family.

Now the title this little message was wondering......wasn't it?

Well.... I haven't checked into my normal stomping grounds so I am left to wonder what has been going down in the pagan world, or said against the pagan world.....I know someone has said or done something. It is common and expected, sad to say, but that is the way that it is....

Guess, what I will be doing this weekend? Yep, you got it...finding out the going ins, ons, downs, outs, and whatever else there is.....
I'm a Gemini, and it's my nature! .....LOL

Oh Wait! I did watch Housewives of Atlanta tonight. I swear, I would have jacked Kim up for what she pulled with the viewing of the photos and that song!